
L'Acqua nell'antico Egitto. Vita, rigenerazione, incantesimo, medicamento

Proceedings for the First International Conference for Young Egyptologists - Italy, Chianciano Terme, October 15-18, 2003

A cura di Alessia Amenta, Maria Michela Luiselli, Maria Novella Sordi

Egitto Antico, 3
2005, 448 pp., 80 ill. b/n
Brossura, 17 x 24 cm
ISBN: 9788882652074
  • Acquista
  • Acquista
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      Edizione cartacea

      Formato: Brossura
      ISBN: 9788882652074

      € 302,00 € 302,00 € 302,00


      Formato: PDF
      ISBN: 9788891303394

      € 302,00 € 302,00 € 302,00

  • Abstract
  • Indice
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  • Abstract

    The First International Conference for Young Egyptologists was our pro-posal to the necessity of an exchange between "young" scholars of Egyptology belonging to academic and museum institutions from all over the world, in order to let them be for the first time protagonists of an international scientific meeting. The conference has taken place in Chianciano Terme (Siena), from the 15th to the 18th October 2003, in the Parco dell'Acqua Santa of Chianciano Spa.

    The First International Conference for Young Egyptologists comes along-side this initiative by studying the relevance and function of water in ancient Egypt from magic to religion, from literature to historical evi-dence. As a result, we have singled out four main subjects, which corre-spond to the four sections of the conference: the first section, "Water and Literature", has been opened by a paper of Prof. Dr. Antonio Loprieno. The second section, "Water in ancient Egyptian History and Culture", dealt with the problems concerning the watering systems and water supply was introduced by a paper presented by Prof. Dr. Mario Liverani, as well as with the magic character of water, whose issues were introduced by a lec-ture of Prof. Dr. Yvan Koenig. The third section, "Water in ancient Egyptian Religion", has been opened by a paper presented by Dr. Susanne Bickel and, finally, Dr. Martin Bommas' paper has opened the fourth sec-tion, namely "Water in ancient Egyptian Ritual and Cult". Prof. Dr. Alessandro Roccati has then officially closed the Conference.

  • Indice

    Acknowledgments; Foreword; Preface (A. Amenta; M. M. Luiselli; M. N. Sordi); Preface (J. Baines); Conference Programme; Section I - Water in ancient egyptian literature; A. Loprieno, Water and Literature in Ancient Egypt; G. Cavillier, Il pXr-wr e il suo significato nella letteratura egiziana a sfondo bellico; A. Gallasch-Hall, The Water in the Corpus Ermeticum - One European View; C. Knigge, "He keeps the river Nile flowing, the field is full of his richness". Some Remarks on the Hymn to the Nile and Inundation and Fertilty Motifs in Post-New Kingdom Hymns and Related Texts; R. Landgráfová, Water in Ancient Egypt Love Songs; H. Navrátilová, The "Unwetterstele" of Ahmose as a Historical Text; Section II - Water in ancient egyptian history and culture; Y.Koenig, L'eau et la magie; J. Budka, The Third Cataract: Its Historical and Political Importance According to Royal and Private Rock Inscriptions at Tombos; M. Campagno, Fighting in the Water. On "Ordeals", Kinship and State in the Contendings of Horus and Seth (Papyrus Chester Beatty I); R. Cepko, Amenemhat III et le divinités aquatiques: la politique royale dans l'oasis du Fayoum; A. Fassone, Canopo e le sue acque: il fiume, il lago, il mare. Vita e religiosità in età tardo-faraonica e greco-romana; R. B. Gozzoli, Inondazione e pioggia come segno di predilezione divina durante la XXV e XXVI dinastia; b. Heagren, Water Related Diseas in Ancient Egypt; E. Kanitz, La gestione delle risorse idriche nell'Egitto antico e nell'Egitto moderno: un confronto; K. Muhlestein, Death by Water: The Role of Water in Ancient Egypt's Treatment of Enemies and Juridical Process; R. G. Tatomir, Coincidentia oppositorum et conjunctio oppositorum: The Mental Category of Water in the Ancient Egyptian Universe; Section III - Water in Ancient Egyptian Religion; S. Bickel, Creative and Destructive Waters; B. Claus, Osiris et Hapi: crue et régéneration en Egypt ancienne; A. Corthals, The Procession of the New Year in the Staircases at Edfu and Dendara; E. M. Laborinho, Nun, the Primeval Water According of the Coffin Texts; H. Rotsch, The Primeval Ocean Nun and the Terminology of Water in Ancient Egypt; M. Tomorad, Egyptian Cults of Isis and serapis in Roman Fleets; Section IV . Water in ancient egyptian ritual and cult; M. Bommas, Situlae and the offering of Water in the Divine Funerary Cult: A New Approach to the Ritual of Djeme; E. Buzov, The Role of the Heart in the Purification; M .E. Colin, Presenting Water to the Deities within the Barque Sanctuaries of Graeco-Roman Times; A. Cosentino, Il battesimo nei testi di Nag Hammadi; K. Dohrmann, Das Sedfest-Ritual Sesotris' I. -Kontext und Semantik des Dekorationsprogramms der Lischter Sitzatatuen; R. Hlzl, Libation Basins from the Old to the New Kingdom: Practical Use and Religions Significance; R. Lucarelli, A Libation Text in the Book of the Dead of Gatseshen; A. Smith, Kingship, Water and Ritual: The Ablution Rite in the Coronation Ritual of the Pharaoh; S. Sportellini, L'acqua, essenza purificatrice e rigenerante: il vaso-heset in alcune delle iconografie più ricorrenti; Section V - poster; C. Booth, The Uses and Abuses of water in Papyrus Westcar; M. C. Centrone, "This is the form of [] Osiris of the mysteries, who springs from the returning waters" (South Wall of the Osiris Room at the Great Temple of Philae); M. Franci, Quelques consideration sur le champ sématique du déterminatif mw; S. Ruzanova, Neith of Sais as Water Goddess; R. Ferreira de Sousa, Heart and Water in the Religious Anthropology of Ancient Egypt; A. P. Zingarelli, Some Considerations about the Water Offered (Poured) by the Tree Goddess at TT 49; Abbreviations; Bibliography, List of Contributors.

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